Christmas, following the latest trends, I will be signing cards as Mx Nina
MacPherson, to show solidarity with our non-binary friends, our enbies. My gender
is none of your business but have a merry yule all the same … is the essential
Now that
Richard has his art work hanging at Bath’s latest vegan restaurant, Nourish,
our food will, for the festive season, be plant-based mermaid dishes, followed
by unicorn toasties.
Last Friday
we rushed around our local top-end supermarkets searching for gluten-free
desserts for our good friend Richard, yes another Richard, and discovered how
helpful Marks and Spencer are in this regard. Now that we have been introduced
to veganism aquapaba is going to be our new go-to dessert, no need for dashing
to supermarkets for the perfect meringue.
Being an
oldie, rather than a xennial, I will likely not convert to an avolatte, as I do
prefer my drinks in a glass, or a cup. I’ve never got used to drinking
cappuccino from a cardboard takeaway cup, a habit we renounced in San Francisco
in 1997. Yep it was twenty years ago today and since then cardboard cups litter
the place. Strange to tell I prefer to sit and enjoy my coffee rather than
supping it on the move, spilling it down my top and giving myself heartburn.
The greed of
the banks has been a topic for conversation with friends and family in recent
weeks. In order to avoid paying any overdraft charges whatsoever history was
made in our household when Richard gave up his current account and joined his
funds with mine. After thirty-six years of marriage we have a three-day-old
joint account. The shocking rise in bank charges makes me want to bank with Tesco
but First Direct may be more up my street. We are not spending shedloads this
Christmas. Instead we’ll be at home in a state of lagom. Tonight we are singing
Christmas carols enjoying firgun and general bonhomie. The dark nights and dull
mornings lead one to sense that hibernation is no bad thing, hygge is easily
achieved in our house: drinking cocoa, feet up and watching TV or simply
reading a novel is the new party-hard. Lykke is something to relish, I feel.
Next year I
will have to stick to my resolution to lose weight and exercise more. This
will involve ignoring the manspreading around the swimming pool, careful there. I don’t, however, enjoy the sausage fest in the pool when I’m trying to swim.
These days, when confronted by shopkeepers or tradesmen one stare from me ensures I don’t suffer from mansplaining and as I
attend few meetings now I don’t have to endure hepeating. Thank goodness
most of my Headteachers have been women and we didn’t have to put up with over
confident men, nor manfants, at school management meetings.
If it snows reach for the warmest gorpcore,
stay safe and snug.
That’s the
new way to be.
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